Wednesday, June 9, 2010

In Lieu of Actual Events From My Life... get to see a bunch of pictures of the dog!!!

Very bad at 365 the past few days....even worse at having an interesting life.

I stayed in alllllll weekend. Lame, I know.

At least I'm posting.


Day 103: In the aftermath of the night before, I spent the whole day without a car (left in Bricktown) and without my camera. Of course, I was freaking out about the camera. I didn't know if it was in my friend's car, in my car, still at the bar, or in the possession of some stranger who decided to confiscate it. Luckily, I had gotten my house keys out of my car before leaving Bricktown & left my camera in the car!!!


Day 104: Tucker loves this blanket!!


Day 105: He's too cute!


Day 106: If you've ever lived in Norman & never been to Victoria's, you're missing out. If you've ever been to Victoria's & never had the lasagna rolls, you're really missing out.


Day 107: I can't capture with a camera how adorable it is when he sits on top of this cute!!


Day 108: The most interesting part of my week?! BIG TRUCK TACO with Ms. Kirsten. Yummmm.

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