Monday, March 1, 2010


I have really been dropping the ball on this Project 365 thing.

I HAVE been taking photos every day, It's just been kinda like "Oh, crap, I havn't taken any pictures yet.


DAY 4 : These are the girls in my Business of Media class, Chelsea (on the left) & Alex. This class lasts from 6:00-10:00, so it's really nice having people that I get along with to numb the exhausting pain! This picture was taken at 10:00, so we look a little sleepy :o).


DAY 5 : I made stuffed mushrooms for dinner! I could only eat 3 LOL. I went out this night, but I never took my camera out of my bag. Again, #FAIL.


DAY 6 : I did NOT go out this Saturday night. I wanted too, but I couldn't find anything to do. I ended up watching The Beach and drinking some vino. Tucker kept me company all day!!


DAY 7 : I spent all day Sunday studying. I know, way lame. But, I didn't get anything done this last week, so I knew I needed to play catch up during the weekend. Tucker studied, too. I really should not have two pictures of the dog in a row, and I'm pretty disappointed in myself haha. Regardless, this picture CRACKS ME UP!

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