Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 0 (September 6, 2010)

After three very long nights of drinking over Labor Day weekend, I arrived back in Oklahoma City with a hangover, a stomach full of Jack in the Box tacos and the desire to vegg-out all day. Unfortunately, I had a paper to write for one of my graduate courses that was due the next morning before noon.

I proceeded to lay in bed for a good fourteen hours wanting to focus on A-N-Y-THING other than that paper. I took a peek at my Gmail inbox for the first time all weekend and found something to do! I looked at the profiles of each and every guy who sent a message, “wink,” or marked his self as “interested.” I didn’t see anything that would actually blow my mind away, but I couldn’t actually READ the emails either….not unless I paid. It was like putting a pitcher of beer in front of a college freshman and telling him “No.”

I couldn’t handle it. I figured I would cash in a free 72-hours and go from there, but I had to read those emails. I signed up and read away!! Fourteen emails later, I didn’t know why I even bothered.

Around 7:00 p.m., however, I got a message from someone new: GrantD9832. He was pretty cute & seemed to fit all of the criteria.

He wrote: So I just joined tonight…I don’t really know how this works. Does a wink mean you’re interested? Anyway, I winked. Hope you had a good Labor Day weekend!

He was cute, and I only had 72 hours. Well, more like 68 at this point. I sent him a message back.

I replied back: This whole online thing is completely foreign to me too. I figured I might as well give it a shot! I don't really understand the winking either...My weekend was fun and a little crazy...right now I'm SUPPOSED to be working on a research paper for my master's program, but I'd rather just enjoy this last little bit of freedom before getting ready for the week. How was yours?


That wasn’t too bad.

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