Sunday, July 11, 2010

How an 8 to 5 Changes You....and 365

I've been feeling rather old and boring since starting my new job. I'm trying to nip it in the bud, but I've got to take some time to adjust to these "changes" caused by removing 40 hours a week (45 if you include lunch, more like 60 when traffic's bad, 70 when I add in time to get ready in the mornings...*sigh*) of my personal freedom do to whatever.

Don't get me wrong. I am loving my new job (even though I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing), I'm just not sure I'm ready to give up the almost-total-freedom I've had for the last year. Last year at this time, I wanted nothing more than a predictable schedule where I wake early, have evenings off, dress nicely everyday & not have to work on weekends. I'm grateful for that now, but I owe my time to my job even when I'm not there because I have to have enough energy to get through the day.

For instance....why am I writing this at 5:00 am on a Sunday?!? I planned on going out with friends both Friday and Saturday night this weekend, but ended up passing out between 9 & 10 both nights, then waking back up between about 4 & 5. They say your body craves a sleeping schedule, so I guess mine is keeping me on my M-F schedule during the weekends, too. How old of me.

Changes I Need to Make Because of My Career:
-First alarm set at 5:30.
-I MUST shower at night. I can't look greasy & I can't snooze if I have to take one in the morning.
-Breakfast (usually oatmeal, yogurt, coffee & fruit) are out the night before
-Clothes for the week are picked out and ironed on Sundays
-No ponytails (I see this changing soon...but for now my hair's down everyday)
-Makeup usually in the car...oops. This needs to change when I upgrade.
-Nails are almost always done
-I have 2 bags everyday. Three if I bring lunch.
-Traffic is now a daily ordeal (even my photography job in Edmond wasn't trafficky 9 times out of 10)
-I run errands during lunch. Sometimes I nap.
-Constant caffeine (that's not much different)
-No jeans, even on casual Friday (so.....not that casual)
-My clothes are now split into 2 closets: work & not work. Haven't been using the "Not Work" so much :o(
-My feet are throbbing everyday because of heels. I only wear flats on Fridays.
-My heels are all becoming worn in!!
-I, along with everyone else on the sales team, sneak out at 4:30 to avoid traffic (I usually get to about Santa Fe on 240 :o/
-When I get home, I MUST change out of clothes, put them away (in laundry or hung back up w/ febreeze for pants), and get started on something productive or else I'm done for the night.
-I just gave my bed an "Off Limits 'Til 9" rule, unless I'm sick.
-My weekends are still ruled by work (planning ahead, getting things done, etc.)
-Bedtime is usually about 11.

A few 365 updates...

Well, my two-week long adventure where I never stayed in one place for more than 4 days is over....& I'm exhausted from it! I'm really going to enjoy staying put & having my suitcase stored away.

Day 117: The Mont, of course!!

Day 118: Fry your skin day at Kirsten's pool, then Big Truck Taco!!

Day 119: I'm going to miss these minivans :o(

Day 120: The conference wrap-up dinner at Himalaya's

Day 121: Dinner with the family! We went to Christina's, one of our favorite Mexican restaurants, & I had my favorite fired shrimp meal!

Day 122: My mom treated Ryan, his girlfriend & me (& herself) to pedicures!!

Day 123: I flew into Tucson!! We went to lunch, ran some errands & set up Jaymee's classroom!!

Day 124: Road trip from Tucson, AZ to Dallas, TX --> 19 hours with 4 kids!!! It was 3 am when we finally got to my parents' house.

Day 125: Playing Phase 10 with the family on a Saturday night.

Day 126: Driving back to Normy to start my new job in the morning!

Day 127: Day 1 of the new job, per Jaymee's request.

Day 128: Day 2 of the new job...I finished setting up my desk!!


  1. I know exactly what you mean! I've become so "adult-y" this past year. Its a different life haha.

  2. I am proud of you and jealous of all your money, but I can't help but also think about how that lifestyle doesn't sound appealing to me at all!

    I think I'll be a nomad forever....
