Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 15 (September 21, 2010)

I realized that with all of business with Pete, getting sick, and being busier than I ever had been that I completely blew off Grant. I felt kind of bad, but figured it maybe wasn’t that big of a deal. I honestly don’t have time to write 20-minute emails everyday. He had wanted to meet up with me at the game (where I got sick), but I didn’t get the message until Sunday. Then I got sick. Then I got busy. He never responded, so I guess that’s that.

I went to work in the morning but left around 10:30. All the guys thought I sounded terrible and they didn’t want to get sick, so that ended up being a bigger motivator than how I felt to leave and go home. I obviously could not see or talk to any clients, so I went to bed.

Even though I wasn’t planning on seeing Pete today, he asked if we could go out for some coffee after class. I could have really used some tea (even though I was in sweats with hardly any makeup), so I agreed. I met him in Bricktown after class, got our warm beverages and walked around.

Pete made me feel very comfortable, except for one thing. Kissing in public.  I am not opposed to kissing when the mood is right, and I’ve definitely had my drunken street corner make out, but I am absolutely not into kissing fervently on the street corner when I’m sick (he didn’t care if he got sick, apparently) and sober. I didn’t know the best way to tell him this, but I did let him know we should find someplace (not around people) to sit down.

We sat, talked and kissed for about an hour or so…the conversation flowed, the kissing was still excessive (and I wasn’t ready for things to move beyond that either, so I needed to keep a check on myself), but he was clearly interested in me. I could tell that I wasn’t certain, though I did have some feelings for him.

Around 10:30, I told him that I had to go. He walked me to my car and off I went.

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